Heptagone/ Volubile / Volition
In July 2018, I published my first Kindle book on amazon.com and amazon.fr
In December 2021, I published the second one, and the third one in June 2023.
My first poem is from April 1970. I was almost 16. Progressively, writing has become my refuge. I found inspiration nearly every night and wrote in notebooks alexandrines, prose, then short stories and a theater play. Living in Paris in 1987 and teaching French and Music in Suburban High Schools, I chose 51 poems that I tried in vain to get published.
In 1996, I moved to San Francisco and learned music composition as well as the art of relaxation techniques, natural healing, and well-being.
Therefore, I sorted out, reworked most of these selected poems and added some new ones for a total of thirty-five that I have translated into English. I express my feelings, my hopes, my disappointments, my frustrations and the humanistic values that I always carried and defended in my daily life.
Le Parchemin Theater Play July 2024 https://a.co/d/1GOOSMu